This is the most simple and straightforward solution to unfreeze a locked keyboard but an effective one nonetheless. Hopefully, you will be able to identify the problem from those mentioned below and then fix it. This article will make you go through all the common issues that can cause the keyboard of your laptop to freeze up, and the easy and quick fixes to those issues.

So, it’s obvious that you need to identify the culprit first before being able to find a way to get rid of that. Sometimes the problem might not be as big you could be wondering it to be, by that we mean that a simple restart may be able to fix that. There are multiple reasons that can cause your laptop keyboard to freeze, some of them can be accidental, some might be an outcome of some carelessness on your part. So, don’t rush to the repair shop just yet, because the solution might just be at your fingertips. Fortunately, the fix can be easy and quick once you have found out what issue exactly is causing your keyboard to malfunction. The laptop keyboard getting unresponsive while you are in the middle of getting your work done can be utterly frustrating.