Stainless Steel was first started as a mod for Medieval 2: Total War (v4.1 and lower), but it switched over to Kingdoms after the expansion was released.It combines bug fixes, many small mods, changes to AI and AI armies, more provinces, graphical improvements and many other campaign and battle map changes in a package aimed at providing a much greater challenge and more enjoyable gameplay. Stainless Steel 6.4 Submods Patch Patch 1 Updated Download 3.3.3 The Last Hurray Patch Patch 1 for the patch Small update Number 2 This buffs up the Heavy Persian Archers for the Kwarzemimimi faction DA: 13 PA: 48 MOZ Rank: 61 Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms Total War Wiki Fandom Medieval II: Total War Kingdoms is the. Please log in to the Wiki to vote in polls, change skin preferences, or edit pages. Welcome to the TWC Wiki! You are not logged in. I love the combo of heavy infrantry unit with long range missle, but i don't want the cavlary unit to be too weak, either, since it's crucial in this game. Hello, I just got the stainless steel downloaded, checked out a few units, but haven't decided of which faction I should play, i played the original m2tw for 200+ hrs and played as Milan and England. In some instances Type 304 can be used in the 'as-welded' condition. The lower carbon content minimizes chromium carbide precipitation due to welding and its susceptibility to intergranular corrosion.

304/304L STAINLESS STEEL 1 Type 304 Stainless Steel is a variation of the base 18-8 grade, with a higher chromium and lower carbon content. User Info: SwordsMan03 SwordsMan03 10 years ago #2. I'm playing with Stainless Steel 6.2, and I was just curious as to what other users of it think is both 1) The strongest faction 2) The best/most fun/easiest to play as.