
Walking with dinosaurs diplodocus
Walking with dinosaurs diplodocus

walking with dinosaurs diplodocus walking with dinosaurs diplodocus

Instead of letting our heroic Pachyrhinosaurus “Patchi” communicate in the dinosaurian language of hoots, grunts, and bellows, the filmmakers decided to have the persistent ceratopsid prattle off some awful dialog voiced by Justin Long. But that was before worried producers turned what could have been a cinematic spectacle into a film more grating than any Land Before Time sequel.

walking with dinosaurs diplodocus

Explanation and narration was kept to an absolute minimum. (The Diplodocus ovipositor is still seared onto my memory.) Walking With Dinosaurs 3D was supposed to use the same formula to concoct a silent feature, with slightly anthropomorphic dinosaurs playing out the tale of a male Pachyrhinosaurus in Late Cretaceous Alaska. The original series narrated the day-to-day lives of dinosaurs through a mix of science, speculation, and silliness. While the feature film carries the title of the famous fossil franchise, Walking With Dinosaurs 3D is a different animal than the documentary that preceded it.

Walking with dinosaurs diplodocus